Malibu Black Rum

750ml Bottle

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    Pernod Ricard
    35% Alcohol
    Product Description

    Malibu Black Rum combines the smooth coconut flavor that you love with higher proof and less sweetness for a bolder taste of the Caribbean. Try it straight up as a Malibu Black Bite. For those that would like to add a bit of the Caribbean to their cocktails, but still want to have a little extra "kick". Malibu Black features an aroma of freshly cracked coconuts with undertones of Caribbean rum, Madagascar vanilla, and warm caramel. Its refreshingly dry finish simply slips off the palate leaving just a hint of coconut lingering, enticing you back for more. This is a great choice for those wanting a coconut rum that doesn't coat the mouth with sugar, as many flavored rums do. Nosing Malibu Black is reminiscent of relaxing on a white-sand Caribbean beach with a Malibu Black Storm cocktail in hand while watching the sea. The experience of Malibu Black is nearly a mini-Caribbean vacation in a glass. Malibu Black will mix well into your favorite rum drink, or you can try it on its own. For a simple taste, put it on the rocks with a squeeze of lime.