Cruzan Coconut Rum

750ml Bottle

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    Beam Suntory
    21% Alcohol
    Product Description

    Take time to stop and smell the coconuts. Although it's darn near impossible to get into the coconut without proper tools, it's one of the most beloved flavors there is. Cruzan Coconut Rum is a smooth blend of rum and the natural, creamy flavor of coconut. The sweet, rich coconut flavor is a must-have for your pina colada. Cruzan Coconut was one of the first flavors Cruzan introduced, and it goes perfectly with fresh fruit juices or any soda. Also enjoyable as a dessert topping or in a chocolate-coconut rum cake. It is perfect for summer cocktails featuring tropical flavors like mango, pineapple, and banana. For a tropical twist on a classic, try a pina colada martini by combining one part each of Cruzan Coconut and Pineapple rums in a mixing glass with ice. Enjoy this tropical spirit!